Firenze 28 novembre – 5 dicembre 2014

Festival Internazionale del film documentario

  • #1 "On Truth and Fiction in Documentary Cinema"
    Workshop held by Jos de Putter

    The workshop is going to explore the relationship of Truth and Fiction in the process of making a creative documentary. Departing from selected films and certain philosophical and aesthetical issues, the workshop will examine concrete forms of contamination lying between the tradition of reportage (“journalism”) and the convention of narrative (“storytelling”). How can you creatively manage the relationship between what is considered ‘truth’ and what appears as ‘fiction’? What strategies and which methodologies can an author adopt when facing reality? How does one jump higher or change perspective once on that trampoline of Reality?

    Beyond being a filmmaker, Jos de Putter is a fine critic of film and literature based on a deep knowledge of these disciplines. His ability to be both behind and before the camera allows him to take on “lateral” stances. From these unusual vantage points he can observe the latest dynamics that are affecting not only documentary cinema but the world of audio-visual expression in general as well. Jos de Putter is a deeply contemporary author for two reasons. On one hand, he is familiar with different styles, productive forms, and areas. On the other, he is in a position to translate deep theoretical reflections into an empirical working method.

    The 55th Festival dei Popoli is proud to present the Retrospective "Like Every Grain of Sand: The Cinema of Jos de Putter" curated by Vittorio Iervese.

    The workshop is scheduled at DOC AT WORK on Friday December, 5th 2014.

    Duration: 3h

    Language: English

    Limited enrollment

    Participating fee: € 50.00

    2014 Send your request (specify the title of the workshop) and your CV to:

    Workshop held by Jan Rofekamp

    We all know that the broadcast market is a very important one for docs, but the broadcast market has its peculiarities.

    In the cinema one can start with beautiful long shots and romantic music, the cinema audience has made the choice to come, paid the ticket and has a (certain) level of patience... video is the same, you poor a glass of wine, get a comfortable seat and settle in.

    Broadcast is different. First you need a dynamite synopsis that attracts the viewer to the broadcast and then... the film has to speak to the viewer right away... otherwise the channel switch is in the hand and the channel is switched. Also at the markets where we meet the broadcast buyers, we need films that have attractive, informative, seductive opening scenes. Often buyers see only 4 or 5 minutes to see if it works for them...

    Jan Rofekamp (Films Transit International Inc.) will show and discuss a number of effective opening scenes... and dares to say that the effectiveness of the opening scene will in the future for the VOD and On-Line business also be very important... a click to something else can happen fast.

    The workshop is scheduled at DOC AT WORK on Tuesday December, 2nd 2014 (morning)

    Duration: 90'

    Language: English

    Limited enrollment
    Participating fee: € 50.00

    2014 Send your request (specify the title of the workshop) and your CV to:

  • #3 "Documentary Storytelling - La forma delle storie"
    Workshop tenuto da Roberto Malfagia

    “Nel cinema documentario la struttura viene dalla realtà filmata. I fili di questa struttura si ricavano dal materiale registrato […]. Ogni aspetto di fare un film rappresenta una scelta, e, naturalmente, nel fare un film, ci sono milioni di scelte”. (Frederick Wiseman)

    Il workshop affronta le tecniche dello storytelling per raccontare storie nella forma del documentario di creazione. Un percorso che ha l’obbiettivo di inquadrare il lavoro necessario per mettere a fuoco il concept di una storia, fornire gli strumenti per selezionare e organizzare i materiali narrativi, identificare e sviluppare il nodo drammaturgico che da forma e movimento al racconto filmico.

    Roberto Malfagia
    Diplomato nel 2004 al Master in tecniche narrative presso la Scuola Holden di Torino, ha insegnato scrittura creativa e sceneggiatura di cortometraggi per la scuola Holden. Ha collaborato con Holden Art per progetti sulla narrazione dei beni culturali e fatto parte del progetto di ricerca “Nuovi linguaggi museali” per Fondazione Intesa – San Paolo. Ha scritto e co-diretto il documentario Il Popolo Alto, lo spettacolo teatrale Dissezioni. E' articolista per: "Verso Magazine", "Opere Rivista della Fondazione Professione Architetto". E’ stato collaboratore di redazione per case editrici tradizionali (Giunti) e per case editrici multimediali (Scala Group, dove si è occupato di e-learning. Nel 2013 fonda La Jetèe – Scuola di Visual Storytelling, la scuola dove iniziare un viaggio nel mondo della narrazione visiva. Attualmente è story editor, consulente e direttore didattico.

    Il workshop si terrà a DOC AT WORK Martedì 2 Dicembre 2014 (afternoon)

    Durata: 3h

    Lingua: italiano

    Numero massimo di partecipanti: 30

    Quota di iscrizione: € 50.00

    2014 Send your request (specify the title of the workshop) and your CV to:

    Workshop tenuto da Dominique Auvray (regista e montatrice)

    "Sono nata a La Rochelle, sulle rive dell’Atlantico, nel 1950.
    Il cinema è entrato a far parte della mia vita all’età di 15 anni. A La Rochelle c’era un ragazzo che amavo tanto e che, a sua volta, non amava altro che il cinema. Allora ho amato il cinema. Ecco tutto.
    Lui è andato a Parigi per studiare cinema, ci sono andata anch’io.
    Intere giornate alla Cinémathèque, a tal punto che ho visto a colori alcuni film in bianco e nero.

    Cinema e incontri, Benoît Jacquot, Philippe Garrel, Marguerite Duras, Barbet Schroeder.
    E più tardi Claire Denis e Wim Wenders.
    E dopo ancora Vincent Dieutre, Nobuhiro Suwa e Pedro Costa.
    Dei bei film che mi è piaciuto montare, Le Camion, Les Mendiants, Liberté La Nuit, Koko le gorille qui parle, S'en fout la mort, Fragments sur la grâce, Un Couple Parfait, Casa de lava, No quarto da Vanda.
    Un giorno ho avuto voglia di fare io stessa un film. Per parlare di Marguerite Duras, la mia amica. Così ho fatto Marguerite telle qu’en elle-même. Ed ho appena terminato un altro film su di lei, Duras et le cinéma.
    No, non sono monomaniaca, è soltanto un caso…". [D. Auvray]

    Il workshop si terrà a DOC AT WORK Lunedì 1 Dicembre 2014.

    Durata: 4h

    Lingua: Francese (con interprete in italiano)

    Numero massimo di partecipanti: 20

    Quota di iscrizione: € 50.00

    2014 Send your request (specify the title of the workshop) and your CV to:

    Lecture by Rada Sesic (filmmaker and festival programmer)

    As any experienced filmmaker knows, completing your film is only the beginning. Where to world premiere my new work? Which festivals will provide the largest audiences, where to get biggest promotion of my new film, should I go for awards at a smaller festival or for a presence at the most prestigious events? Where my films fits the best? How to be noticed? How to judge - should I send a rough cut or not for festival selection? How to avoid getting frustrated.
    The lecture will reveal POV of a festival selector and ponder on a POV of a film maker. By using lots of fragments, we will hear secrets and prejudices of a selection process, and will peek behind the scene.

    Rada Sesic is a filmmaker, lecturer, critic and curator.
    Program advisor for IFF Rotterdam, she is part of the selection committee of the festival’s Hubert Bals Fund. She collaborates on the selection at IDFA. He heads the Documentary competition at SarajevoFF and she co-runs Docu RoughCutBoutique. Rada Sesic lectured on cinema at The University of Amsterdam, Dutch Film Academy and Srishti/India. She is program advisor for Dok Leipzig and film programmer Let’s CEE, Vienna. Artistic director of the Eastern Neighbours FF in The Netherlands. Mentor at several documentary workshops in Europe and Asia, she published articles in film magazines worldwide and collaborated on several books.
    Films: Room Without a View, 1997, Soske, 2001, In Whitest Solitude, 2001, The Way to School, 2007, selected for 60 festivals, screened and archived at MoMA New York, won several awards.

    The workshop is scheduled at DOC AT WORK on Wednesday December, 3rd 2014

    Duration: 90’

    Language: English


    2014 Send your request (specify the title of the workshop) and your CV to:

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